You Tube widget with direct links (animated movement)

Credit goes to the original author of the script There are hardly any youTube widgets out there which run entirely off jQuery. The below example simply runs off some youTube links and manual titles. Other examples on the net provide very complicated rss feed paths with server side code needed. This example doesn't need any of that. This example generates a thumbnail for each, the player and also highlights the list item you have selected too. The idea of writing in a manual title is so that you may want the option of having a shorter custom title from the one you gave on youTube. At some point I will create a youTube widget which will fetch all the latest videos automatically from youTube from let's say a channel or something like that. Stay tuned!

It's important to customize your widget with the css styles provided. This includes widths, floats and displaying. You really just need to mess about with it until it suits the requirements of your site.

Alternatively, you can download the zip here.


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